
Acid Hialuronic - SingDerm - Lidocaina - 24 mg / ml - Seringa 2 ml

Acid Hialuronic - SingDerm - Lidocaina - 24 mg / ml - Seringa 2 ml

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Acid Hialuronic - SingDerm - Lidocaina - 24 mg / ml - Seringa 2 ml
Singderm® consists of modified hyaluronic acid(HA) produced by bacteria 
and 0.3% lidocaine, formulated to a concentration of 24mg/ml in a physiologic buffer.

Compared with biphasic dermal filler, Singderm®, a monophasic dermal filler, 
is more solid and durable and can provide better support and lift due to good viscoelasticity. 
Besides, it is easy to be pushed through a needle.

Duration : More than 12 months

Depth of Injection : Middle or deep of dermis
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