
Arcaya - Jasmine - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Arcaya - Jasmine - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Comanda instant Arcaya - Jasmine - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Arcaya - Jasmine - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Aplicare Topica

Made in Germany

Calming, soothing, scar reduction

The exotic aroma of jasmine is known for its stress-relieving  qualities
and may help reduce the symptoms of depression, headaches and fatigue.

Age Group
-25, 25-35, 35-50, 50+, For all ages

Natural Collection, Skin Protection

Skin Type
Dry, Normal/Combination, Sensitive   

Long used for its skin benefits as well as its lovely smell, jasmine oil 

nourishes the skin, reduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks

and protects against damage from free radicals that can lead to premature aging.

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Website detinut de Aesthetic & Medical Distribution S.R.L., CIF: RO35621124, Reg.Com: J40/1836/2016