
Arcaya - White Vision - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Arcaya - White Vision - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Comanda instant Arcaya - White Vision - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Arcaya - White Vision - 5 buc - fiole 2ml - topic

Aplicare Topica

Made in Germany

Natural extracts from Bellis and mulberry tree root, reinforced with Vitamin C, 
support the transition to a lighter complexion yet keep the skin tone even.
Regenerating active ingredients improve the structure of the skin while reducing 
visible signs of aging. Ideal for lightening hyperpigmentation or pigmentation marks of all kinds.
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Website detinut de Aesthetic & Medical Distribution S.R.L., CIF: RO35621124, Reg.Com: J40/1836/2016