
Asian Centella - 5 ml

Asian Centella - 5 ml

Comanda instant Asian Centella - 5 ml

Asian Centella - 5 ml

Extract from the leaves or roots of Hydrocotyl Asiatica, 
Centella Asiatica stimulates the production of collagen, 
giving the tissue the ability to regain its elasticity. 
It boosts microcirculation, collagen and skin repairing processes. 
It protects elastin and hyaluronic acid from breakdown, 
thereby protecting skin hydration and health.

Boosts the production of collagen type I and type III
Boosts skin hydration
Prevents and treats fibrosis

Decreases fat tissue inflammation
Reepithelization effect
Smooth skin

Ser activator ce imbunateste circulatia sanguina, 
in special in zonele afectate de celulita, 
tonifica pielea si stimuleaza sinteza de colagen.

De asemenea, este un adjuvant in vindecarea ranilor cu o mai buna reepitelizare.

Creste tonusul si elasticitatea peretilor vasculari, 
ajuta la resorbtia edemelor si creste rezistenta capilarelor sanguine.

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