
DNA Gel ( adn ) - 2.5 ml

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DNA Gel ( adn ) - 2.5 ml

DNA Gel ( adn ) - 2.5 ml

Comanda instant DNA Gel ( adn ) - 2.5 ml

DNA Gel ( adn ) - 2.5 ml

The DNA gel with its antioxidant and moisturizing 
characteristics helps to stimulate the regeneration of cells
and to restructuring the connective tissue. 
It helps to increase the luminosity and elasticity of the skin, 
providing a younger appearance. 
Indicated as adjuvant in treatments against photo-aging, 
dehydrated skin, wrinkles, stretch and actinic aging.
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Website detinut de Aesthetic & Medical Distribution S.R.L., CIF: RO35621124, Reg.Com: J40/1836/2016