
Levair Volume - PLLA filler + HA - pudra 500 mg - 350 mg PLLA + 150 mg HA - 22ml

Levair Volume - PLLA filler + HA - pudra 500 mg - 350 mg PLLA + 150 mg HA - 22ml

Comanda instant Levair Volume - PLLA filler + HA - pudra 500 mg - 350 mg PLLA + 150 mg HA - 22ml

Levair Volume - PLLA filler + HA - pudra 500 mg - 350 mg PLLA + 150 mg HA - 22ml

PLLA - 350 mg

HA - 150 mg : 75 mg H-HA + 75 mg L-HA 

LeVair Volume features constant and uniform microspheres, allowing for easy injection without needle clogging. Additionally, its smooth porous surface minimizes the risk of nodules and stimulates the production of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and adipocytes ultimately leading to increased collagen and elastin production. On the other hand, LeVair Volume 500, with particle sizes ranging from 70 to 200μm, is intended for use on the body. .
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Website detinut de Aesthetic & Medical Distribution S.R.L., CIF: RO35621124, Reg.Com: J40/1836/2016